Tuesday, 20 March 2012

It's a matter of life or death

Two days ago, my friend committed suicide. He fare-welled his friends after a Saturday night out, went home, and hung himself. The news came as a huge shock for everyone - no one even suspected that he was depressed.

Last week, a close friend's sister was killed instantly in a car accident. She swerved for a car that braked suddenly to turn, and the car rolled twice; taking her life. She has left behind a family that feel cheated, and two young children that will grow up without knowing their mother.

Both of these cases have rocked me. In particular, the suicide. What could really be so bad that one feels the need to quit first and foremost? More importantly, without telling anyone.

Death before one's time is always unfair; always too soon. However, the death of Mitch Constantine feels so different, knowing that he made this decision himself.

Every year, approximately 2000 Australians die by suicide; this rate has been steadily decreasing over the past decade; contradictory to the supposed 'youth suicide epidemic'. Men generally commit suicide at a rate four times that of women, however women attempt to commit suicide more frequently.

Suicide can have devastating impacts on friends, family, colleagues and potentially the whole community. This death has questioned my perception of the people close to me; perhaps "Are You OK?" day isn't such a stupid idea after all.

Life is a precious gift. It is precious to those who are living it, and those who are graced by the living's presence. One should not feel cheated in losing a loved one before their time; but thankful for the time spent with them.


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